Marriage Matching

Marriage Matching 1

Kundali Matching

‘Vivaha’ or Marriage is one of the 16 Samskaras or religious conducts/rites. Samskaras are the different crucial turning points in a person’s life; hence they are respected and celebrated. Kundli matching is the horoscope matching of the couple before marriage. Ashtakoot and Dashtakoot are two majorly followed matching systems in Vedic Astrology. It indicates the influence of the stars on marital life and remedial measures needed to be taken in case of any inauspicious yogas just to ensure a happy and healthy married life. Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. Marriage is also one of the most beautiful moments in one’s life. Everyone wants a good spouse with whom s/he can create some beautiful memories and feel happy. This is the area where actual happiness of the person lies over. Where marriage is an important aspect in India, people today are very much interested in finding the perfect life partner. In Hinduism, horoscope or kundli of both boy and girl are matched in order to nullify any bad effects after marriage. 

Why Kundli Matching is important?

Marriage Matchmaking has now assumed a greater significance with the changing socio-economic conditions and radical modifications in the status and role of women in family life. Besides comparing the educational, cultural and professional backgrounds, the prospective bride/groom and their parents are also interested in assuring whether their married life will be happy, harmonious and fruitful too.

Marriage Matching 2

Guna Milan

In India, Janam Kundli (also called as Birth Chart or Natal Chart) is taken into consideration for Kundli Matching. Guna Milan is based on the position of Moon in the Natal Charts of bride and groom. In North India, there is a process of Guna Milan, called as, “Ashtakoot Milan”, which signifies the eight aspects of Gunas. “Ashta” means “Eight” and “Koota” means “Aspects”. The eight Kootas are:


Varna/Varan/Jaati : It shows spiritual compatibility of boy and girl along with their ego levels. It is divided into 4 categories, such as  Brahmins (Highest), Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra (Lowest).
Vasya/Vashya : It shows mutual attraction, control in marriage and also calculates the power equation in between married couples. A person is classified into 5 types, namely Manav/Nara (human), Vanchar (wild animals such as lion), Chatushpad (small animals such as deer), Jalchar (sea animals), Keeta/Keet (insects).
Tara/Dina : It is related to birth star compatibility and destiny. There are 27 birth stars (Nakshatra).
Yoni : It measures the intimacy level, sexual compatibility and mutual love between the couple. Yoni Koot is classified into 14 animals, which are Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, Mongoose.

Graha Maitri/Rasyadipati : It shows mental compatibility, affection and natural friendship. It also represents the moon sign compatibility between couples.
Gana : It is related to behaviour and temperament. Birth stars (Nakshatras) are divided into three categories- Deva (God, indicating Satwa Guna), Manava (Human, indicating Rajo Guna) and Rakshasa (Demon, indicating Tamo Guna).
Rashi or Bhakoot : It relates to the emotional compatibility and love between partners. The position of planets in boy’s birth chart is compared with the girl’s birth chart. If the boy’s moon is placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th house from girl’s moon, then it is considered bad or inauspicious, whereas 7th and 12th houses are considered good. In case of female, If natal chart moon is placed in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th houses from man’s chart, then it will be auspicious and inauspicious if placed 12th from man’s chart.
Nadi : It is related to health and genes. Stars (Nakshatra) are divided into 3 parts- Aadi (Vata) Nadi, Madhya (Pitta) Nadi and Antya (Kapha) Nadi.